Green Guidelines

Green Guidelines

Escape to Nature

Our Green Guidelines to follow!

  • Think before you discard plastic bottles, candy wrappers, and cigarette butts. Please dispose everything in their designated bins, and never in the plantation or over the hillside
  • Help us segregate all waste for ease of recycling and composting. Ask us to dispose anything you wouldn’t want to. We will do our best to minimize its negative impacts.
  • Please support our initiatives to conserve precious resources – every Watt of power and every litre of water saved contributes to the Sustainable Good Life
  • Respect the power of nature and the complex ecology of the terrain, particularly while hiking and trekking in touchwood Valley
  • The waterfalls and streams in touchwood valley is a source of drinking water to villages they flow down to. Please avoid playing or bathing in them, as that can affect the quality of potable water for the villagers
  • Guest should cause no damage to the property, cottage, or any of the belongings of the property. In case of any damages, the cost of replacement or repair will be charged to the guest
  • The woods and plantations are the rightful home to all animals, birds, reptiles, insects and plants in there. As guests staying in their home, we must be kind and courteous to them.
  • Remember to enjoy the power of silence as you trek through the region and to seek permission before taking pictures of the native residents.